Our Process

Appointment Outline:

  • First we will ask to walk through the home with you to identify the location of your vents, heat registers and furnace.

  • During the walk through and throughout the job we make it our focus to explain our process and the value we are adding.

  • We finish each air duct cleaning with our detailed 3 Step Quality Control Process.


How does it work?

Our Cleaning Process:

  1. Each register is placed under negative pressure by attaching our industry leading Hypervac Negative Air Machine (big duct vacuum) at the location of your furnace.

  2. We then seal each register with plastic or magnetic material (depending on the surface we are covering).

  3. Once your system is under negative pressure, we will run two powerful compressed air cleaning tools (“agitation” and “air sweep”) down the full length of each register.

  4. The last air ducts to be cleaned are the main trunk lines that lead back to the furnace.

  5. Finally, we agitate and remove dust and debris from your furnace including the blower motor, air handler and interior cage.

Our Quality Control Process After Duct Cleaning is Completed:

  1. We inspect accessible internal surfaces of the duct work to ensure cleaning is thorough and complete.

  2. We then run the HVAC system to ensure that the system is fully operational.

  3. We complete a final walk through with vacuum and duster to ensure all work areas are as clean as or cleaner than their state prior to the air duct cleaning service.


Duct Cleaning in Action.

Video footage from our duct camera from inside the ductwork. Compressed air whips dislodging dirt, dust and debris while our heavy duty negative air machine pulls it all out into a sealed unit that we contain, remove and properly dispose of.